Saturday, October 19, 2019

Midterm Paper Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Midterm Paper Rewrite - Essay Example Does this reflect the true picture of what beauty stands for today Definitely not! The "Curse of the Fashionista" will rob you of your identity and will steal the personality that makes you uniquely appealing. We express our shock when a model publicly dies on the runaway from the culmination of years of anorexia. Yet, thousands more suffer in private, away from the public's eye while celebrities promote this disease and its disastrous consequences. The recent case of the Ramos sisters brought only a fleeting glance at the fashion industry's policies that condone and promote an unhealthy body weight. The lure of stardom is quickly traded away, and the unethical practices continue. Cosmetics can be an instant cover-up or a dynamic enhancement for a woman's natural beauty. However, the long-term effects of these chemicals on the skin are mostly unknown, potentially damaging, and may be fatal. The women of England began to paint their faces with powdered white lead to imitate the pale complexion of Queen Elizabeth I. The product worked wonders while the women fell ill to lead poisoning. Today, women taking oral tyrostat for skin whitening have little information about its unforeseen side effects. Recent events indicate that drug companies may have trouble detecting side effects even after years of rigorous testing.

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